


GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available!

Added by Demian Biscocho almost 6 years ago

This is the initial GOautodial v4 ISO installer release. Featuring AppKonference (a high-performance Asterisk conferencing module replacing app_meetme) and webRTC. No more timer and DAHDI hardware dependencies. No more softphones and hardphones. Everything via your web browser.


GOautodial v4 web application and APIs
AppKonference 2.7
Asterisk 13.17
Vicidial 2.14b0.5
PHP 7.0
MariaDB 10.1.36
Kamailio 5.0.7

GOautodial v4 does not require a timing source to be available anymore. Lack of timing can be a pain when DAHDI hardware is not present. Specially when running in virtualized environment (Amazon AWS, Google cloud, MS Azure and etc) that doesn't support timing cards.

ISO installer screenshots:



Getting Started Guide v4

Post any installation issues you might have here in this forum section.

Replies (92)

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Kamrul Hasan Forhad almost 5 years ago

I have installed V4 Final-20191010-0150 and tried to login by using default id Login : goadmin Password : G0autodial2018
But I can't login there showing "Invalid login or password"
I have put my ip to goCRMAPISettings.php but still I cannot login.
Could you help me please to fix the issue?

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Marco Marco almost 5 years ago

Kamrul Hasan Forhad wrote:

I have installed V4 Final-20191010-0150 and tried to login by using default id Login : goadmin Password : G0autodial2018
But I can't login there showing "Invalid login or password"
I have put my ip to goCRMAPISettings.php but still I cannot login.
Could you help me please to fix the issue?

And I have some problem with log in... default login not working..

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Marco Marco almost 5 years ago

Marco Marco wrote:

And I have some problem with log in... default login not working..

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Player One over 4 years ago

Demian Lizandro Biscocho wrote:

This is the initial GOautodial v4 ISO installer release. Featuring AppKonference (a high-performance Asterisk conferencing module replacing app_meetme) and webRTC. No more timer and DAHDI hardware dependencies. No more softphones and hardphones. Everything via your web browser.


GOautodial v4 web application and APIs
AppKonference 2.7
Asterisk 13.17
Vicidial 2.14b0.5
PHP 7.0
MariaDB 10.1.36
Kamailio 5.0.7

GOautodial v4 does not require a timing source to be available anymore. Lack of timing can be a pain when DAHDI hardware is not present. Specially when running in virtualized environment (Amazon AWS, Google cloud, MS Azure and etc) that doesn't support timing cards.

ISO installer screenshots:



Getting Started Guide v4

Post any installation issues you might have here in this forum section.


RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Demian Biscocho over 4 years ago

This should be good to go. We have renewed our SSL certificate so downloads should be good working now.

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Raul Chiarella over 4 years ago

Guilherme Bizzani wrote:

Hello, I managed to login by adding my ip addres in this file: /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php

I could create an Server, Carrier, Campaign, import some List... But after loging in an agent, when I click on "Login to Dialer", choose one Campaign and click on Submit nothing happens and I get this error on my browser's console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isConnected' of undefined.
Screenshot attached


Did you solve this issue? I am experiencing the exact same thing

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Wittie Manansala over 4 years ago

Raul Chiarella wrote:

Guilherme Bizzani wrote:

Hello, I managed to login by adding my ip addres in this file: /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php

I could create an Server, Carrier, Campaign, import some List... But after loging in an agent, when I click on "Login to Dialer", choose one Campaign and click on Submit nothing happens and I get this error on my browser's console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isConnected' of undefined.
Screenshot attached


Did you solve this issue? I am experiencing the exact same thing

Some issue are resolve by updating your server:

Link that may help you: (Read section Administration Gui Settings and Configuration Files to check:)


RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Luis Perez about 4 years ago


Is Live Chat and Email support available now at Goautodial4?
Is there a date for Social Media?

Thanks Excellent Work!!!

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Demian Biscocho about 4 years ago

Live chat integration is still in development. Partial email support is available already. Just put in your mail settings in the SMTP module. No timetable yet for the Social Media. Would you like to contribute to the development of said features?

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Arman Grigo almost 4 years ago

Miguel Rodriguez wrote:

Demian Biscocho wrote:

Please post the output of the following when you restart Kamailio:





Thanks a lot for your help, and for your work. here are the captures.


Tengo el mismo problema. Pudiste resolverlo?
I have the same problem. Could you solve it?

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Tiago Canoas over 3 years ago

What is the corret default password for goadmin?

The passsword G0autodial2018 don´t work

I alredy updated using the instruction from the link

I used this iso to install GOautodial-4-x86_64-Final-20191010-0150.iso


RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Demian Biscocho over 3 years ago

That is the correct password. You can manually generate a new encrypted password via:

php /var/www/html/bin/pass_hasher.php

Store the results in the "pass_hash" column in the vicidial_users table for your "goadmin" user.

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Ja Benda about 3 years ago

I have tested some steps to succesfull instalation from GOautodial 4 (Final 20191010-0150) ISO (without success ;-) )

platform KVM on Centos 7 (iso image downloaded to /vm directory)

script for creating vm
export VM=cc
cd /vm
qemu-img create -f raw /vm/${VM}.qcow2 10G
virt-install \
--connect qemu:///system -n ${VM} \
-r 2048 \
--vcpus=4 \
--disk /vm/${VM}.qcow2,bus=virtio \
-c GOautodial-4-x86_64-Final-20191010-0150.iso \
--graphics vnc,listen= --noautoconsole \
--os-type linux \
--os-variant centos7.0 \
--accelerate \
--network=bridge:br1,model=virtio --hvm

Image is not bootable!

The following problem occurred on line 12 of the kickstart file:
Disk "sda" given in ignoredisk command doesnot exist.

I added scsi disk to vm configuration
qemu-img create -f raw /vm/${VM}.sda.qcow2 1M

.... --disk /vm/${VM}.sda.qcow2,bus=scsi \ ....

Configure Network - hostname, Automaticaly connect
Date & Time
Instalation destination - select disk

SSL certificate Lets encrypt,certbot #probaly reason of future failure


cat <<EOT >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/${HOSTNAME}.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName ${HOSTNAME}
ServerAlias ${HOSTNAME}
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName ${HOSTNAME}
ServerAlias ${HOSTNAME}
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

systemctl restart httpd

yum install -y epel-release
yum install python-certbot-apache

certbot --apache -d ${HOSTNAME}

Deploying Certificate to VirtualHost /etc/httpd/conf.d/
Redirecting vhost in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ to ssl vhost in /etc/httpd/conf.d/

crontab -e

add line
0 0 * * 1 / usr / bin / certbot renew >> /var/log/sslrenew.log

#timezone php
sed -i 's/date.timezone =.*/date.timezone = Europe\/Prague/' /etc/php.ini

#ssl for kamailio browsers refuses connection with old version
sed -i \s/TLSv1/TLSv1.2+/ /etc/kamailio/tls.cfg

Update GOautodial:
export CountryCode=CZE_420 #USA_1 put your contry code
echo "ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN manual_dial_min_digits INT DEFAULT '6';"|mysql -u root goautodial
echo "ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN auto_dial_level VARCHAR DEFAULT 'NORMAL';"|mysql -u root goautodial
echo "ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN enable_webrtc tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1';"|mysql -u root goautodial
echo "ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN default_country_code VARCHAR DEFAULT '${CountryCode}';"|mysql -u root goautodial

echo "update system_settings set agent_whisper_enabled='1';"|mysql -u root asterisk

cd /var/www/html
git stash
git pull

cd /var/www/html/goAPIv2
git stash
git pull

cat <<EOT > /var/www/html/php/Config.php
// database configuration
define('DB_USERNAME', 'goautodialu');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'goautodialu1234');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME', 'goautodial');
define('DB_PORT', '3306');
define('DB_NAME_ASTERISK', 'asterisk');
define('DB_USERNAME_KAMAILIO', 'kamailiou');
define('DB_PASSWORD_KAMAILIO', 'kamailiou1234');
define('DB_HOST_KAMAILIO', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME_KAMAILIO', 'kamailio');
define('DB_PORT_KAMAILIO', '3306');

// other configuration parameters
define('CRM_ADMIN_EMAIL', '');

export IP=yourip
export HOSTNAME=yourhostname
sed -i "s/${IP}/${HOSTNAME}/" /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php

#making directory with files for translation if does not exists for you language
cd /var/www/html
find /var/www/html -name en_US|while read FN;do cp $FN ${FN%/*}/cs_CZ;done

#change all stuff to utf8
mysql -N -e "SELECT CONCAT
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA in ('asterisk','goautodial','kamailio','osticketdb') AND TABLE_TYPE != 'VIEW';
" \ | while read sql
echo $sql
mysql -e "$sql"

mysql -N -e "SELECT distinct CONCAT
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA in ('asterisk','goautodial','kamailio','osticketdb') AND TABLE_TYPE != 'VIEW';
" \ | while read sql
echo $sql
mysql -e "$sql"

#set default language
mysql -e "update asterisk.system_settings ss set default_language='cs_CZ'"

#uploading leads to List converts some strings with utf8_encode some not. Database is in utf8 now, converting is not desired
sed -i 's/utf8_encode($first_name)/$first_name/' /var/www/html/goAPIv2/goUploadLeads/goUploadMe.php
sed -i 's/utf8_encode($middle_initial)/$middle_initial/' /var/www/html/goAPIv2/goUploadLeads/goUploadMe.php
sed -i 's/utf8_encode($last_name)/$last_name/' /var/www/html/goAPIv2/goUploadLeads/goUploadMe.php


Web adminitration https://HOSTNAME/ goadmin/G0autodial2018
Telephony Delete User agent001, List 1001, Campaign TESTCAMP
create user agent001, change password

Settings- Servers set GMT Offset, External Server IP chenge to your hostname

Carriers Add one ( must be 10 digits Dial Prefix, for example 1234567890)

Administration - Settings
Base URL yourhostname
Comopany name, Choose your timezone:, Choose language:
GOautodial Agent Dialer WebRTC Websocket Host/IP: yourhostname, WebRTC SIP Host/IP: yourhostname

Campaign Name: TESTCAMP
Carrier use for Campaign: your carrier

leave default
Dial Method: Manual

Update created campaign, Defaultscript, Call Notes Per Call
Local Calltime: 24hours
Call Notes Per Call: Enabled

Add List, Campaign:TESTCAMP

Does not work :-(
Unable to connect to wss:// invalid certififcate authority
There is probably issues with certbot, ...
I have working instalation with letsencrypt

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Ja Benda about 3 years ago

command for converting to utf8:

#change all stuff to utf8

FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA in ('asterisk','goautodial','kamailio','osticketdb') AND TABLE_TYPE != 'VIEW';
" \
| while read sql
 echo $sql
 mysql -e "$sql" 

FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA in ('asterisk','goautodial','kamailio','osticketdb') AND TABLE_TYPE != 'VIEW';
" \
| while read sql
 echo $sql
 mysql -e "$sql" 

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by DANILO MENEZCO almost 3 years ago

Guilherme Bizzani wrote in RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Avai...:

For everyone that cannot login to the system, change this file: /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php

add your ip addres in the first line at:


I cannot enter it does not show me an IP, when I put the path /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php

to modify the file and put my IP it tells me access denied

RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Available! - Added by Zahir Galant almost 3 years ago

Demian Lizandro Biscocho wrote in RE: GOautodial 4 (Pre-Release 20180929-0618) ISO Now Avai...:

That is the correct password. You can manually generate a new encrypted password via:


Store the results in the "pass_hash" column in the vicidial_users table for your "goadmin" user.

Tried this and doesn't seem to work.
Latest update at this time breaks the login completely.
You're locked out after updating.

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