


HOWTO Update latest version via Github

Make sure to backup your existing configuration first!

cd /var/www/html/

cp astguiclient.conf astguiclient.conf.bak
cp php/Config.php php/Config.php.bak
cp php/goCRMAPISettings.php php/goCRMAPISettings.php.bak

Update database tables:

mysql goautodial -A

MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN auto_dial_level VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'NORMAL';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN cb_noexpire TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN cb_sendemail TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN default_country_code VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'USA_1';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN enable_callback_alert TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN google_sheet_ids TEXT;
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN google_sheet_list_id BIGINT(14) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE go_campaigns ADD COLUMN manual_dial_min_digits INT(11) DEFAULT '6';

MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN enable_chat tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT '1';
MariaDB [goautodial]> ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN enable_webrtc tinyint(1)  DEFAULT '1';
use asterisk

MariaDB [asterisk]> UPDATE system_settings SET agent_whisper_enabled='1';
MariaDB [asterisk]> UPDATE system_settings SET active_voicemail_server="";

Update existing GOautodial v4 web application:

cd /var/www/html/
git config --global "root@localhost" 
git stash
git pull

cd /var/www/html/goAPIv2/
git stash
git pull

Edit Config.php

nano /var/www/html/php/Config.php

// database configuration
define('DB_USERNAME', 'goautodialu');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'goautodialu1234');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME', 'goautodial');
define('DB_PORT', '3306');
define('DB_NAME_ASTERISK', 'asterisk');
define('DB_USERNAME_KAMAILIO', 'kamailiou');
define('DB_PASSWORD_KAMAILIO', 'kamailiou1234');
define('DB_HOST_KAMAILIO', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME_KAMAILIO', 'kamailio');
define('DB_PORT_KAMAILIO', '3306');

// other configuration parameters
define('CRM_ADMIN_EMAIL', '[email protected]');

Edit goCRMAPISettings.php

nano /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php

define ('gourl', 'https://YOUR_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS/goAPIv2');
define ('goUser', 'goAPI');
define ('goPass', 'KToB93bzjGd1RS4mDqePJ6Uk.jgNRrK');
define ('responsetype', 'json');

To generate encrypted password

php /var/www/html/bin/pass_hasher.php --pass=UNENCRYPTED_PASSWORD

Update the vicidial_users table for goAPI

mysql asterisk -A

MariaDB [asterisk]> UPDATE vicidial_users SET pass_hash='ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD' WHERE user='goAPI';

In the example above, the ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD is 'KToB93bzjGd1RS4mDqePJ6Uk.jgNRrK'.

mysql asterisk -A

MariaDB [asterisk]> UPDATE vicidial_users SET pass_hash='KToB93bzjGd1RS4mDqePJ6Uk.jgNRrK' WHERE user='goAPI';

Important!!! Please change the default encrypted password above to your own encrypted password.

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