


goautodial error screen stuck at "logging in to your phone please wait..."

Added by rime lam about 1 year ago

please i hope someone has a solution, im using GOautodial v4, i followed the guide to install it from scratch on CentOS7 ( and the updated version on github (, but still the problem is not solved. please provide with more solutions thank you.

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Replies (3)

RE: goautodial error screen stuck at "logging in to your phone please wait..." - Added by Wittie Manansala about 1 year ago


Try to compare your settings using this link > Administration Gui Settings and Configuration Files to check :

Fyi should be your Private or Public IP

If you still encountering same issue please provide the following:

1. Screenshot of Administration > Settings
2. Screenshot of Administration > GOWebRTC Dialer Settings
3. nano /var/www/html/php/Config.php
4. nano /var/www/html/php/goCRMAPISettings.php
5. nano /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg
6. nano /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf
7. Screenshot of systemctl status kamailio
8. Screenshot of systemctl status rtpengine


RE: goautodial error screen stuck at "logging in to your phone please wait..." - Added by Md. Faysal 4 months ago

I installed Goautodial in my VMW machine. But when I try to login dialer in agent plane I face the problem that "logging in to your phone please wait..."
Here is my all setting.

RE: goautodial error screen stuck at "logging in to your phone please wait..." - Added by Wittie Manansala 4 months ago

I think Kamailio is not running. It's possible that you're missing some settings in kamailio.cfg. Can you share your settings similar to the one below?

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