


"Sale" not being recorded

Added by Ryon Brewer about 11 years ago

I have goautodail 3.0

I created a custom Disposition in the system status in the vicidial interface. This custom disposition has "sale" selected.

But when we select this disposition it does not show up on the goautodial reports/dashboards as a sale being recorded

Replies (19)

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco about 11 years ago

Hi Ryon,

Good day! Thank you for the information. We will have it checked and update you soon.


RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Ryon Brewer about 11 years ago

any update, or any way i can help figure this out?

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Demian Biscocho about 11 years ago

There is already a default "SALE" disposition. No need to add another one.

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Ryon Brewer about 11 years ago

I do not think you understand the issue. I will try to explain better.

We have created 2 new Dispositions

"One on One"

These both have the "Sale" flag set in the Disposition Creation Screen.

If an agent selects either one of these new Dispositions, they do not show up in the metrics as a Sale.


RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Demian Biscocho about 11 years ago

Can you post a screenshot so we have a better picture of what's happening?

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Ryon Brewer about 11 years ago

Capture shows the settings in vicidial. Notice the Sale flag being selected for "registration" and "recorded registration"
Capture 2 shows the list of dispositions including 16 "recorded registrations"
Capture 3 show that there are no sales.

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco almost 11 years ago

Hi Ryon,

We do understand your concern but custom disposition tagged as sale will not show up on sale tracker or dashboard since it only filters the default "Sale" disposition.


RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Ryon Brewer almost 11 years ago

Thanks, thats what i needed to know

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by prasana venagdesan almost 11 years ago

Hello Ryon brewer .. i have installed go auto dailer for fist time is it good for going with 10 seats ??


RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Chris M over 10 years ago

We have 2 types of sales. "Cash sales" and "Debit order sales". We have created two custom dispositions to that effect. As someone already mentioned (and explained why) they are not logging as sales on the dashboard.
Is there a way to configure the dashboard to see specific custom dispositions as sales?
I understand it only logs a sale on the dashboard if it finds the code “SALE”. But I would like to add “SALECS” and “SALEDO”.
Going forward I really think you should be able to set any disposition you want to log as a sale.

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Demian Biscocho over 10 years ago

Update your GOadmin: Dispositions marked or tagged as SALE are now counted in the dashboard.

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by nischal c over 10 years ago

Hello Chris, Did this worked for you?

Hello Demian,
I Upgraded to Goadmin CE 3.3, and added a custom disposition 'App - Appointment' to a campaign and tagged it as SALE. but still the today's sales counter on the dashboard is not incrementing. Is it the correct way to do it?


goautodial-ce-config-3.0-1379044800|goautodial-ce-3.0-1379044800|vicidial-2.7.401a-130508.2256.2.go|single server|No PRI hardware|intel i3|4GB Mem|

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 10 years ago

Hi Nischal,

Please post your GOadmin version.

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by nischal c over 10 years ago

Hi Levy,

This is what i found at the bottom of the admin screen, hope thats the correct version its showing.
GoAdmin ® 3.3-1393218000 | AGPLv2 | © GoAutoDial 2010-2014 All Rights Reserved.


RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Chris M over 10 years ago


Yes it did on my test server. But I cannot update my live server for some reason.

nischal c wrote:

Hello Chris, Did this worked for you?

Hello Demian,
I Upgraded to Goadmin CE 3.3, and added a custom disposition 'App - Appointment' to a campaign and tagged it as SALE. but still the today's sales counter on the dashboard is not incrementing. Is it the correct way to do it?


goautodial-ce-config-3.0-1379044800|goautodial-ce-3.0-1379044800|vicidial-2.7.401a-130508.2256.2.go|single server|No PRI hardware|intel i3|4GB Mem|

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by nischal c about 10 years ago

Hello All,
I too got this to work now using goautodial 3.3..... but it broke the download recording screen(don't get the download buttons for the recordings). So decided to leave with 3.0 for production.

RE: "Sale" not being recorded - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco about 10 years ago


This feature has been added on our updates, Custom Dispositions tagged as Sale should now also be counted on the GOadmin Dashboard. Kindly update your copy from our GIThub repository.

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