Unable to connect a campaign from dialer
Added by Max DH over 2 years ago
I did all steps from the tutorial (latest version)
but when I tried to select a campaign before accessing "login to dialer"
It just does nothing, even after reloading page and server;
I'm new with this tech, does someone encounter the same problem or has the solution ?
Replies (3)
RE: Unable to connect a campaign from dialer
Added by Jackie Alfonso over 2 years ago
Please try and double check the following:
1. Double check your settings in https://goautodial.org/projects/goautodialce/wiki/Goautodial_Getting_Started_Guidev4 ( Configuration Files Section) specially nano /etc/rtpengine/rtpengine.conf
RE: Unable to connect a campaign from dialer
Added by Max DH over 2 years ago
thanks for your answer, but even after checkup it doesn't changed anything
but I noticed that I can't save changes in "Administration Gui Settings and Configuration Files"
It worked for "Administration settings" but not for "GOautodial Agent Dialer"
I tried reloading few times and checked my config files, everything ok so idk why
RE: Unable to connect a campaign from dialer
Added by Jackie Alfonso over 2 years ago
Max DH wrote in RE: Unable to connect a campaign from dialer :
thanks for your answer, but even after checkup it doesn't changed anything
but I noticed that I can't save changes in "Administration Gui Settings and Configuration Files"
It worked for "Administration settings" but not for "GOautodial Agent Dialer"
I tried reloading few times and checked my config files, everything ok so idk why
Can you please send some screenshot or a short video capture on the issue? so we can help you to check more further