



Feature #7662


Enable custom caller ID & AC-CID

Added by Wittie Manansala over 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

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Hi Thom,

Please add AC-CID or Custom CallerID Feature in our GADv4.

Custom CallerID (Should be added under Campaign Settings )
-When set to Y, this option allows you to use the security_phrase field in the list table as the CallerID to send out when placing for each specific lead. If this field has no CID in it then the Campaign CallerID defined above will be used instead. This option will disable the list CallerID Override if there is a CID present in the security_phrase field. Default is N. When set to AREACODE you have the ability to go into the AC-CID submenu and define multiple callerids to be used per areacode.


If the System Setting for Areacode CIDs is enabled and the Campaign setting for Use Custom CallerID is set to AREACODE then you have the ability to define Areacode CIDs that will be used when outbound calling to leads in this specific campaign. You can add multiple callerIDs per areacode and you can activate and deactivate them each in real time. If more than one callerID is active for a specific areacode then the system will use the callerid that has been used the least number of times today. If no callerIDs are active for the areacode then the campaign CallerID or list override CallerID will be used



AC-CID1.png (21.4 KB) AC-CID1.png Wittie Manansala, 10/04/2019 08:12 PM
Custom_Callerid.png (7.84 KB) Custom_Callerid.png Wittie Manansala, 10/04/2019 08:12 PM
AC1.PNG (51.9 KB) AC1.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC2.PNG (98.1 KB) AC2.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC3.PNG (54.8 KB) AC3.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC4.PNG (58.8 KB) AC4.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC5.PNG (60.5 KB) AC5.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC6.PNG (57.8 KB) AC6.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC7.PNG (59.3 KB) AC7.PNG Thom Bernarth Patacsil, 10/22/2019 06:44 AM
AC-CID_a.png (26.4 KB) AC-CID_a.png Wittie Manansala, 10/22/2019 09:20 PM
cid1.png (27.9 KB) cid1.png Jackie Alfonso, 10/23/2019 04:32 AM
cid2.png (27.1 KB) cid2.png Jackie Alfonso, 10/23/2019 04:33 AM
thomphone.png (25.7 KB) thomphone.png Jackie Alfonso, 10/23/2019 04:39 AM
chiphone.png (90.6 KB) chiphone.png Jackie Alfonso, 10/23/2019 04:39 AM
defthom.png (20 KB) defthom.png Jackie Alfonso, 10/23/2019 04:45 AM
defchi.png (67 KB) defchi.png Jackie Alfonso, 10/23/2019 04:45 AM
AreacodeCID1.png (36.4 KB) AreacodeCID1.png Levy Ryan Nolasco, 11/22/2019 09:39 AM
AreacodeCID2.png (42.2 KB) AreacodeCID2.png Levy Ryan Nolasco, 11/22/2019 09:39 AM
AreacodeCID3.png (44.2 KB) AreacodeCID3.png Levy Ryan Nolasco, 11/22/2019 09:39 AM
AreacodeCID4.png (43.7 KB) AreacodeCID4.png Levy Ryan Nolasco, 11/22/2019 09:39 AM

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