



Added by Nada Brata over 4 years ago


Can anybody tell me where can I see realtime DIALABLE LEADS and LEADS IN HOPPER?

Thank you

Replies (5)

RE: DIALABLE LEADS and LEADS IN HOPPER - Added by Enzo Zazzaro over 4 years ago

hi in mysql

USE asterisk
SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_list vl WHERE vl.status = 'NEW'

USE asterisk
SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_hopper vh

o in telephony - list - list status

RE: DIALABLE LEADS and LEADS IN HOPPER - Added by Nada Brata over 4 years ago


Thank you for your reply!

Goautodial version 3 had Vicidial GUI (frontend), while version 4 don't. Is there a way to have the same GUI on version 4?

Thank you!

RE: DIALABLE LEADS and LEADS IN HOPPER - Added by Wittie Manansala over 4 years ago


Please see screnshot below and click View Leads in the hopper for this campaign


list1.png (18.6 KB) list1.png

RE: DIALABLE LEADS and LEADS IN HOPPER - Added by Nada Brata over 4 years ago


Thank you very much for your help! :)

Can anyone help me with another issue...

I configured the inbound campaign and put the DID 1234567890 to this campaign. I allowed the inbound group Single Agent Direct Queue to this campaign.
For the inbound group Single Agent Direct Queue I allowed agent002.
Agent002 is part of user group Goautodial Agents that allows all the campaigns(the one I created before too)

I login with agent002. I select the campaign created before, and the inbound group Single Agent Direct Queue. I press Resume Dialing.

From another machine I dial 1234567890 of this machine but I get SIP 404 Not found.

Does anyone know why does this happen? How can I resolve it?
Is there something in the configuration that I'm missing?

Thank you!

RE: DIALABLE LEADS and LEADS IN HOPPER - Added by Wittie Manansala over 4 years ago

To test inbound we recommend to use Valid Inbound (DID/TFN) number.


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