


French language

Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago

Hello everybody;

can someone tel me how to change the langage from English to French?

thank you for your help.


Replies (14)

RE: French language - Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago

some doc please?

RE: French language - Added by said said over 10 years ago


i'm working on translating the admin and agent to french

hope to finish in september

French :
je suis en train de developper la version francaise. j'espere finir en mi septembre


RE: French language - Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago

Merci said, peux-tu me donner le lien du fichier source de la langue et comment faire pour l'extracter ou je peux modifier le text de l'anglais vers le français?

Thx Said, can you give me the link of file lang et how to extract him and modify it from english to french?

RE: French language - Added by Jerico James Milo over 10 years ago

The GoAutoDial 3.0 is a Code Igniter based framework. Follow this link ( on how to translate.

RE: French language - Added by said said over 10 years ago


let me finish the translation first. i'm still 48% translated


RE: French language - Added by Jerico James Milo over 10 years ago

Thank you for your contribution :)

RE: French language - Added by Emmanuel Dubuc over 10 years ago

Quelqu'un sait comment changer la langue SVP ?

RE: French language - Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago


where can i found the folder langage in Goautodial V3 ?

i extract files but i dont found the folder of langage like v2.7,

someone can give me the path of this folder please?

RE: French language - Added by Gus Totham over 10 years ago

Said could you please explain the process you use? May I help for the translation itself?

RE: French language - Added by david bieder over 10 years ago

and how can we have french asterisk audio file?

RE: French language - Added by david bieder over 10 years ago

Vous pouvez trouver les fichier son français ici:

RE: French language - Added by said said over 10 years ago


to use the french translation :
1. install goautodial as usual (update to latest version)
2. download the zip file
3. replace the application folder (in case you can backup it first)
4. login : there is a combo box where you can choose the language

dev :
i use messages.po
path : /var/www/html/application/language/locales/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES

open it with poedit

to create another language :
copy the folder fr_FR to the new language (use iso code :
or see manual of gettext :

and edit the messages.po

when using poedit , it automatically compile to .mo

then add the language in login/index.php (line 155)

and modify the gettext.php (line 65 - applications/librairies) :
if ($CI->session->userdata('language') == "french")
$lang = "fr_FR";

for the french sounds :

RE: French language - Added by romain lopes over 10 years ago


said said said, Which zip file ?

I would want the french translation too :)

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