


Outbound Carrier Configuration

Added by Abdulaziz Almahmeed almost 10 years ago

Dear All,

This is my 1st post in this forum, so I am sorry if this issue was raised and solved before, but I am new to using the GUI.

I have received the configuration details from my VoIP provider as username, password and host only. The username is my DID number as well (I will use 13388888 as an example).

What I did, I went to Carriers in Admin menu and copied the sample GoAutoDial Carrier that comes by default and changed the details to my provider details.

Here are the configuration:

Carrier ID: 13388888
Carrier Name: My_VoIP_Provider_Name 13388888
Registration String: register =>
Protocol: SIP
Global String: SIPgoautodial = SIP/goautodial

Dialplan Entry:

exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI
exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},,tTo)
exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,3,Hangup

Server IP:

When I try dialing from my softphone using the prefix 12, like 1217666666, the call is rejected as per the attached screen capture on the CLI.

What could be the wrong entry that I am making here?

  • Attachments **
    1. Error Screen Capture
    2. Goautodial version and server details



goautodial_error.png (35.2 KB) goautodial_error.png Error Message Screen Capture
Sys_Config.png (8.67 KB) Sys_Config.png System Configuration - Version and IP

Replies (4)

RE: Outbound Carrier Configuration - Added by Abdulaziz Almahmeed almost 10 years ago

I wanted to add few comments:

  • at astrisk CLI, sip show registry does not return any results
  • from the command line, asterisk -rx "sip show peers" | grep 13388888 does not return any results

RE: Outbound Carrier Configuration - Added by Abdulaziz Almahmeed almost 10 years ago

striker 247 wrote:

check the below link for the carrier setup in goautodial


Thank you so much for your response. I have followed the steps excactly is mentioned, but I am still receive the following issue on the CLI:

Verbosity is at least 21
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- Executing [1313399881@default:1] AGI in new stack
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- Executing [1313399881@default:2] Dial("SIP/8001-0000001f", "SIP/13399881@goautodial||tTo") in new stack
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- Called 13399881@goautodial
[Nov 15 05:42:36] WARNING2443: chan_sip.c:13482 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"8001" <sip:>;tag=as0645bf1e'
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- SIP/goautodial-00000020 is circuit-busy
[Nov 15 05:42:36] Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- Executing [1313399881@default:3] Hangup("SIP/8001-0000001f", "") in new stack
[Nov 15 05:42:36] Spawn extension (default, 1313399881, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/8001-0000001f'
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- Executing [h@default:1] DeadAGI("SIP/8001-0000001f", "agi://") in new stack
[Nov 15 05:42:36] -- AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0

The only change that I made to the steps is the dialplan as I am not dialing the US or UK, but I believe this should not be an issue.

Here is my dialplan:

exten => _13X.,1,AGI
exten => _13X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@goautodial,,tTo)
exten => _13X.,3,Hangup

The number that I am trying to dial for testing is on the same service provider which is a free call to eliminate the possibility of needing credit.

Please advise.



RE: Outbound Carrier Configuration - Added by Francisco J Montilla almost 10 years ago

I think you got it wrong.

Carrier ID: 13388888
Carrier Name: My_VoIP_Provider_Name 13388888
Registration String: register =>
Protocol: SIP
Global String: SIPgoautodial = SIP/goautodial

Dialplan Entry:

exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI
exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},,tTo)
exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,3,Hangup

First if a "sip show registry" doesn't show anything, your registration string (or user/password) are wrong.

you wrote (that should be written in the Registration string field in the GUI, including the 'register =>')

register =>

If after setting and applying those changes, a sip show registry doesn´t show anyhthing there's something wrong, either with my_password or

Once you're sure, set your Global String properly, with your Carrier ID, eg

SIPTrunk = SIP/13388888

Then reflect that in the Dialplan:

exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI
exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(${SIPtrunk}/${EXTEN},,tTo)
exten => _12XXXXXXXXXX,3,Hangup

and you'll be done

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