Answering Machine Detection
Added by Mark Fairchild over 10 years ago
In the Vicidial Manager Manual for Vicidial release 2.0.4 written by Matt Florell, the following appears:
"Answering Machine Detection(AMD) gives you the ability to send more live-customer calls to agents
on an outbound campaign instead of sending them calls that only have voicemail or answering
machines on the other end. One downside of using AMD is that it adds processing time to all calls
being sent to your agents,not just the ones that have answering machines on the other end. Because of
this we do not recommend using AMD on most campaigns."
This was written in 2007, and much has changed since then. My question is, would GoAutoDial still say this about AMD? If not, how would you characterize AMD detection in GoAutoDial, in terms of accuracy? Does it still add significant processing time to each call? Does GoAutoDial recommend using AMD by default?
Replies (3)
RE: Answering Machine Detection - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 10 years ago
We still use the same AMD what ViCiDial have since GoAutoDial uses ViCidial as its predictive dialer engine. Answering Machine Detection should hit 70-80%.
RE: Answering Machine Detection - Added by Guillermo Quiros about 10 years ago
We are using it on our call center
Have one server handling 60 users, aggressive dial ratio of 7 and AMD... using codec g729
The downside, you gain a lot of load...
Our server has 24 cores, and 32gb of ram... so far, very good and the load gets some spikes of 18 or so...
I changed APACHE to NGINX, remove FAIL2BAN and quite a few other apps and works fine...
No issues with call quality or so, besides it is running everything in one server, it does good...
RE: Answering Machine Detection - Added by Peter Mayer about 10 years ago
Do you mind sharing with us the NGINX rewrite rules.
I installed Nginx 1.6 with PHP 5.5 on Goautodial CE 3.3.
I'm stuck at: RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|login|images|img|js|css|public|data|simplepie|application|system|cache)