Feature #7510
closedSurvey Campaign Additional Settings
Hi Team,
Please update and add the following settings on a survey campaign if the Survey Method is set to CAMPAIGN (See SMCamp1.png)
1. Campign Recording option should be visible. (See SMCamp2.png)
2. Campign Recording Filename option should be visible. (See SMCamp3.png)
4. Campaign Autodial Ratio/Level should adjust according to what is set on the server settings Max Trunks. (See SMCamp4.png and SMCamp5.png)
5. Update the spelling of Maxx Calls per Seconds to Max Calls per Seconds. (See SMCamp4.png)
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Alexander Jim Abenoja to Thom Bernarth Patacsil
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
- File survey1.PNG survey1.PNG added
- File survey2.PNG survey2.PNG added
- File survey5.PNG survey5.PNG added
- % Done changed from 50 to 80
Hi sir, kindly test this on the Dev Server. Thank you
1. Added the Campaign Recording and Campaign Recording Filename options when the survey method is changed to Campaign
2. Updated the spelling of Maxx Calls Per Second to Max Calls Per Second
Updated by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 5 years ago
Thanks for the update.
1. Campign Recording option should be visible. (See SMCamp2.png) - Working
2. Campign Recording Filename option should be visible. (See SMCamp3.png)* - Working
4. Campaign Autodial Ratio/Level should adjust according to what is set on the server settings Max Trunks.* - Pending
5. Update the spelling of Maxx Calls per Seconds to Max Calls per Seconds. (See SMCamp4.png)* - Working
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Updated by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
- % Done changed from 100 to 80
Hi sir Thom,
May pending pa po.
4. Campaign Autodial Ratio/Level should adjust according to what is set on the server settings Max Trunks.* - Pending
Updated by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 5 years ago
- File srvycamp1.png srvycamp1.png added
4. Campaign Autodial Ratio/Level should adjust according to what is set on the server settings Max Trunks. - Working
6. On the Campaign Wizard when creating a survey campaign on the Number of Channels field the minimum value should be 1. It should not be blank.
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
- File no-channels.PNG no-channels.PNG added
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Hi sir,
Added a function when the field is blank, the value will be set to '1'. Please test this on the CS server.
Updated by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 5 years ago
- File srvycampnew.png srvycampnew.png added
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
Thanks sir Thom.
It works well on campaign wizard. Setting it to blank and clicking next will set it back to 1 or its default value. However, After the campaign has been created and if you set the campaign survey method to DID and set the channels to blank then hit save you will not be able to put any numbers on it.
1. Create a survey camp.
2. While survey method is set to DID leave the channels to blank.
3. Set the survey method back to Campaign and Save.
4. You will not be able to put any date on the channels field.
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
- File no-channels2.PNG no-channels2.PNG added
Hi sir,
Added a function when the field is blank, the value will be set to '1' just like in adding a campaign to avoid submitting an empty number of channels field. Please test this on the CS server.
Updated by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Hi sir Thom,
It works well. I put 000 and it went back to 1. Thanks!
Updated by Wittie Manansala over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Updated by Tristan Kendrick Biscocho over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Feedback
Hi Team,
Hopper level on campaign is locked and reverts to the default value of 100. If you change it to 1000 and hit submit the value goes back to 100.
Updated by Wittie Manansala over 5 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by Jackie Alfonso over 5 years ago
- File sv1.png sv1.png added
- File sv2.png sv2.png added
- File sv3.png sv3.png added
- File sv4.png sv4.png added
Hi Thom,
Thanks for the update. based on my test changing the hopper level is now working.
change to hopper level 50
change to hopper level 700
Updated by Thom Bernarth Patacsil over 5 years ago
Hopper level isn't saving if Survey Campaign is chosen. Fixed by adding an entry in the API.
Only displaying 100 as the max value on the queue hopper. Fixed by removing the limit in the API.
Updated by Jackie Alfonso over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed