


Can't place calls through the Agent's Web portal

Added by Neil Olu over 9 years ago

Prior to now, I could make inbound and outbound calls successfully before I had 'registration timed out' problem.
Now, I can make outbound calls on my soft-phones, as well as receive inbound calls.
However when I place an outbound call using manual dial, the call does not go through.
I checked my soft-switch and discovered that the extension ('49356232671') from the auto-generated dial-plan is being added to the numbers I dialed.
I need help to resolve this. I tried removing the auto-generated dial-plan, but even after it's removal the problem still persisted.

This is the auto-generated dial-plan I was referring to:

exten => _ 49356232671.,1,AGI
exten => _ 49356232671.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0}@014405541,,tTo)
exten => _ 49356232671.,3,Hangup

Guys please I need an urgent reply.

Replies (1)

RE: Can't place calls through the Agent's Web portal - Added by Demian Biscocho over 9 years ago

You can take that out via your dialplan:

exten => _49356232671.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:11}@014405541,,tTo)

This will remove the first 11 digits (49356232671) from your dialplan.

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