


Goautodial CE 2.1 crash

Added by Tom Gillwald about 12 years ago

Well, this is definitely a OS crash, I would love to give you the cli code but that really is not possible. We had troubles configuring the server to work with a second network card yesterday. And even with the help, from the community to configure it, it just wouldn't connect to with an outside line. This morning, I went to continue my efforts on getting it connected. Within our LAN it works fine, but getting an outside line in, it just doesn't connect. Anyways, I found Apache and Asterisk were not running so I restarted the service, then after if just seem to hang, to I went directly to the server to check if everything was OK, and this is when I seen some strange code of the screen. So I rebooted the server, actually did that a couple times, but the code remain coming up. Needless to say I went back into the setup to check the configuration files when up on server code was appearing through the GUI, like of looks like Cyrillic symbols. but this pattern just keeps repeat over and over. So, it looks like we will be installing the CE 2.1 a 3rd time. Is there any way of getting clear instruction on setting this up with 2 NIC's, so that we can get this PBX up and running properly. Thank you.

Replies (2)

RE: Goautodial CE 2.1 crash - Added by Tom Gillwald about 12 years ago

Tom Gillwald wrote:

Well, this is definitely a OS crash, I would love to give you the cli code but that really is not possible. We had troubles configuring the server to work with a second network card yesterday. And even with the help, from the community to configure it, it just wouldn't connect to with an outside line. This morning, I went to continue my efforts on getting it connected. Within our LAN it works fine, but getting an outside line in, it just doesn't connect. Anyways, I found Apache and Asterisk were not running so I restarted the service, then after if just seem to hang, so I went directly to the server to check if everything was OK, and this is when I seen some strange code of the screen. So I rebooted the server, actually did that a couple times, but the code remains coming up. Needless to say I went back into the setup to check the configuration files when up on server code was appearing through the GUI, kind of looks like Cyrillic symbols. But this pattern just keeps repeating over and over. So, it looks like we will be installing the CE 2.1 a 3rd time. Is there any way of getting clear instruction on setting this up with 2 NIC's, so that we can get this PBX up and running properly? Thank you for any information.

And besides this, are there any major updates for the CE 2.1, that we should have installed in to prevent this from happening?

RE: Goautodial CE 2.1 crash - Added by Wilper Necesario about 12 years ago


Have you check any hardware failures and or conflicts? CentOS tells what is happening with your system/hardware you can check your logs (dmesg,message etc)
to check if its encounter issue. Most of the installation default of Goautodial2.1 supports 2 LAN cards or more it will automatically detects your hardware but your have to check with the vendor if its supports linux OS.

Configuring your LAN is CentOs can be done with GUI and Command line.
-For gui you can use "setup" in your command line without a quote.
-For command line manually editing your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ,eth1 etc. save and reboot your network will done the work.

you can visit this link for reference:


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