


Help me

Added by Yahya abdeldjalile Benamrouche over 6 years ago

Hi, I yah04 I want to open a telecom company to let me know something about this area, so please let guided me i download goautodial free version and Virtual box free version what i do for program Empty sim cards that are empty on my network and how much is the price of the minute between my networks and the other networks in Algeria. Can I open the Internet 4g door for customers with the help of your platform and if you do not care how it is I want a quick answer and thank you

Contact me un m'y email:

Replies (1)

RE: Help me - Added by m firas jelloul over 6 years ago

bonjour yahya

tu peu pas créér une entreprisede telecom avec goautodial et des cartes sim vides.. avec goautodial tu peu creer un centre d'appel la ou plusieurs PC peuvent emettre des appels a travers un trunk sip/iax2.

si tu cherche d'autre idée ouaide n hesite pas a me contacter ou me voir, je suis Tunisien

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