


Number recycling

Added by steven newall over 12 years ago

Hello, is this possible:

I want to recycle as much data as possible. If a number is disconnected / number unavailable, I want to be able to redial that data in six months time. Is it possible to run a query to extract data based on the disposition code eg code 102 etc etc? Then import that data back on to the dialling database?

Or is there a feature that will allow me to do this without going to such a length.



Replies (3)

RE: Number recycling - Added by Sayyedzameer Bhaisarkar over 11 years ago

Could u plz Explain

i need this feature

thanks asayyed

RE: Number recycling - Added by Jefferson Varias over 11 years ago


You can try adding a Lead Recycling Rule or Add the Dial status (e.g. DC,NA...etc) of the numbers that you want to dial on your campaign.


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