


Changing the mysql password and the access problem

Added by Bilal Ghayad about 11 years ago


I noticed that I can not access the goautodial admin or the vtiger if any of the following is happening, so I need to know where is the mistake and what is the right:

1) If I changed the password for root or vtiger from the mysql cli using:

update user set password=PASSWORD where User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Or maybe:

2) If from System Settings, regarding to vtiger, I did synch for users using Click here.

Any of this really is causing a trouble? Can I understand that I am using wrong way to change the password? Well, I can not stay on the default password.


Replies (1)

RE: Changing the mysql password and the access problem - Added by striker 247 about 11 years ago

for changing the root password of mysql u can use the below command also

mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'

vicidial or goautodial use the cron/1234 as mysql login credentials.

the mysql access details for goatuodial will be entered in /usr/src/astguiclient.conf.

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