


yum update - broke asterisk database update...

Added by itai arbel over 10 years ago


i installed goautodial and it worked so far,

than i did 'yum update'.................

now the panel updates the databese,
but astrisk not using the data,

all the phones passwords was 123123 since before the update,
now they are still 123123 on the panel, and on the database...

but the softphone only registered with password 'goautodial'...
and no matter how many time i change the password on gopanel the passwords won't change.

asterisk does'nt connecting/using the database i think..

  • user cron:1234 in working
  • GoPanel do update 'phone' table on databese in 'asterisk' db

how can i fix this issue?

it's like asterisk is on a default goautodial settings and refuse to be updated via gopanel.

thanks for your help

Replies (7)

RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by itai arbel over 10 years ago


the data seems to be updating... so astrisk do have access to database

it do change the name of the phone and the collar id..
  • but not changing the passwords!

all phones are stuck on password 'goautodial'....
even when in the panel and database there are changed...

what can i do to fix this?


RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by itai arbel over 10 years ago


all seems to be working exept the passwords....

astrisk refuse to change phones login passwords, just leve them 'goautodial' forever....
it does update phone name, and info, even enable phones, but only 'goautodial' passwords seems to register the phones...

i suspect that the update broke some astrisk commands in one of the cron scripts, and it doen't update passwords anymore...

help anyone?

do anyone have the same problem? i just did 'yum update', i can't be the only one with this error... it must be a huge bug...

help me plese...
i'm lost here...


RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by itai arbel over 10 years ago

data from asterisk:

voip-centos*CLI> sip show users
Username Secret Accountcode Def.Context ACL NAT
8009 goautodial 8009 default No Always
8008 goautodial 8008 default No Always
8007 goautodial 8007 default No Always
8006 goautodial 8006 default No Always
8005 goautodial 8005 default No Always
8004 goautodial 8004 default No Always
8003 goautodial 8003 default No Always
8002 goautodial 8002 default No Always
8001 goautodial 8001 default No Always

data from database:

8001     1     1     123456     ACTIVE     Y
8002 2 2 123456 ACTIVE Y
8003 3 3 123456 ACTIVE Y
8004 4 4 123456 ACTIVE Y
8005 5 5 123456 ACTIVE Y
8006 6 6 123456 ACTIVE Y
8007 7 7 123456 ACTIVE Y
8008 8 8 123456 ACTIVE Y

what tha hell is going on here????

RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco over 10 years ago


Have you tried changing the passwords on sip-vicidial.conf.


RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by itai arbel over 10 years ago

the passwords are the defaults... here is the file:

  1. Name: goautodial.conf ####
  2. Version: 2.0 ####
  3. Copyright: GOAutoDial Inc. - Januarius Manipol <> ####
  4. License: AGPLv2 ####
    ##base configuration for asterisk
    &db[dialerdb][dbcollat]=utf8_general_ci ##########################################################################################
  1. Linux Shell Monitor - Administrator IP - gKonsole v1 (c) GoAutoDial Inc.
  1. Goautodial Service Connection
    VARSERVPORT => 707
    VARSERVLOGS => /var/log/goautodial
    VARUSRPATH => /usr/share/goautodial
  1. Database connection information
    VARDBserver => localhost
    VARDBdatabase => goautodial
    VARDBuser => goautodialu
    VARDBpass => pancit888
    VARDBport => 3306
  1. database configuration for goautodial database
  1. database configuration for asterisk
  1. database configuration for customdialerdb
  1. database configuration for limesurvey

what can i do?, asterisk do not update phones password, this is a big deaign bug in goautodial...

clean insall + yum update = all broken!

thanks for the help

RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by Jefferson Varias over 10 years ago


Try to check if the phones/extensions have entries on the "Conf Override" settings, if the phone do have an entries, remove it then save the changes then try to check it again.You can find the "Conf Override" settings on the lower page of the advanced phone settings, We tried creating a fresh installed goautodial CE on a VM then run "yum update" but we did not encounter any issue on changing the password.


RE: yum update - broke asterisk database update... - Added by itai arbel over 10 years ago


i feel stupid...

there is a field hidden under advanced setting called "SIP Registration Password"
and if i change it it change the password...

but i pretty sure the field "phone password" was working before the update, now it's doing nothing...

so problem solved...

thanks :)

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