Feature #8169
closedNo Ack Please contact your system adminstrator
Hello everyone,
I need your help on an issue I have with my server.
I have installed GoAutoDial v4 from iso, i have all configured.
I setup a test inbound campaign, when agants log on and make out bound calls but no sound on both ends.
setup new "agent002" and also I have setup my carrier on a trunkinbound and dialplan entry.
My error is: When I start the play button the agent waits and a call comes in a pop up comes with No Ack please contact your system administrator immediately.
How can I solve this?
Thats the log of the error from asteris:
Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Called 99994382427921@default
-- Executing [99994382427921@default:1] AGI in new stack
-- <Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
-- Executing [99994382427921@default:2] Dial("Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2", "SIP/,,tTo") in new stack
Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/
> 0x7f783c008d90 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
-- SIP/ is making progress passing it to Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2
-- Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1 is making progress
> 0x7f783c008d90 -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address as source
-- SIP/ is making progress passing it to Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2
-- Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1 is making progress
-- SIP/ answered Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2
-- Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1 answered
-- Executing [8600052@default:1] AGI("Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1", "agi://") in new stack
-- Channel SIP/ joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <af84bfc5-db82-4cd3-8d9a-0742e8e8af73>
-- Channel Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2 joined 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <af84bfc5-db82-4cd3-8d9a-0742e8e8af73>
Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
-- <Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
-- Executing [8600052@default:2] Dial("Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1", "SIP/,,tTo") in new stack
Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/
Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
-- Auto fallthrough, channel 'Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
> 0x7f783c008d90 -- Strict RTP learning complete - Locking on source address
Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Manager 'sendcron' from, hanging up channel: Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2
-- Channel Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2 left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <af84bfc5-db82-4cd3-8d9a-0742e8e8af73>
-- Channel SIP/ left 'simple_bridge' basic-bridge <af84bfc5-db82-4cd3-8d9a-0742e8e8af73>
Spawn extension (default, 99994382427921, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2'
-- Executing [h@default:1] AGI") in new stack
Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
-- <Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;2>AGI Script agi:// 200 OK) completed, returning 0
-- Executing [h@default:1] AGI("Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1", "agi:// 404 Not Found)") in new stack
-- <Local/99994382427921@default-0000000b;1>AGI Script agi:// 404 Not Found) completed, returning 0
Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Called 55558600052@default
-- Executing [55558600052@default:1] AGI in new stack
-- <Local/55558600052@default-0000000c;2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
-- Executing [55558600052@default:2] Dial("Local/55558600052@default-0000000c;2", "SIP/,,tTo") in new stack == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
-- Called SIP/
Updated by Wittie Manansala over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This issue/bug tracker is meant for bugs, feature request and issues related to the GOautodial CE ISO, system installation and the GOautodial applications (GOadmin, GOreports and GOagent). To get help from the community, please post your concerns in our forum board at https://goautodial.org/projects/goautodialce/boards/3