


goautodial traduction :D

Added by Samir Afallah about 12 years ago

_ _* Bonjour les Amis

j'aimerai bien savoir comment faire pour traduire les pages web GoAutoDial en français , j'ai trouvé dans qq forum qu'il faut copier les fichiers /usr/src/astguiclient/Lang_www/ vers / var / www / html / , mais le probleme je connais pas quels fichier sur ../Lang_www/ et ou sur / var / www / html / ??!!!
e-mail :  *_

Replies (4)

RE: goautodial traduction :D - Added by Wilper Necesario about 12 years ago


Whew, Good thing there's a google translate available on internet q^_6p. Anyway you can check this
site ( for your reference about changing the language into french.


RE: goautodial traduction :D - Added by Samir Afallah about 12 years ago

GoautoDial Agent in French :D

RE: goautodial traduction :D - Added by Yahya KACEM about 12 years ago

hi, everyone i'm using goautodial 2.1 in a virtual machine, and i'm doing my end of study project and my project is to make a language chooser for goautodial, so i did some search on google and here and i found that thing about the perl file built_translation...etc and the link above but still don't get it i mean how to link every thing together, anyway i executed the build_translation file it generated some folders agc_fr and vicidial_fr for french language.
my question is how do i make the changes to the code so i can have like an English flag to display the admin or the agent in English and a french flag for the french language?!

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