


Quality Control

Added by ben sen about 2 years ago

Is there a qc panel in goautodial 4? Is there any document or video where I can get information about the subject?
Thank you very much for your help.

Replies (3)

RE: Quality Control - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco about 2 years ago


Can you elaborate more on your concern.

RE: Quality Control - Added by ben sen about 2 years ago


We want use goautodial v4 for outbound calls. Agent talks with costumer when she/he says OK agent will send it with SALE option. We want to use goautodial like vicidial. in vicidial when an agent send SALE or OK our QC call agent costumer and she/he read about document and getting costuemr confirmation. When it's complete QC change it situtaion to QC OK, or sent it agent again and clear miss understanding. Agent can sent it again QC or blacklist which one requried at this position.

We want to use QC functionally for this reason. Our problem is there any functionally like this in goautodial ?


b,Best Regards.

RE: Quality Control - Added by Levy Ryan Nolasco about 2 years ago


On your Goautodial admin search the Phone number on the Contacts(Customer Relationship Management C . R . M) page. You can view and edit the information by clicking the lead ID or selecting Contact Details using the drop down menu.

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