


Color change

Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago


please tel me how can i change the color of the agent and admin interface on GAD V3

thx a lote

Replies (4)

RE: Color change - Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago

some doc please?

RE: Color change - Added by Jerico James Milo over 10 years ago

On the agent side you can customize the colors/fonts/designs/UI in /var/www/html/agent/agent.php file.
On the admin side you can customize the colors/fonts/designs/UI in /var/www/html/css/ folder.

Notice that in the agent side doesn't have css file, so be more careful in customizing the agent interface.

RE: Color change - Added by Oussama Mili over 10 years ago

thank you james for answring,

but how can i access to modify ? with wich interface or soft?...

RE: Color change - Added by Jerico James Milo over 10 years ago

Please check your email. Thanks

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