


File name of the recorded call: its name and mechanism of searching on it

Added by Bilal Ghayad about 11 years ago


VERSION: 2.4-309a, BUILD: 110430-1642, GoAutoDial CE 2.1, 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP), Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Single Machine

How I can search for a recorded files (a file for a recorded call) from the GUI based on any of the following:

1) If I do not know the agent that handled the call (inbound or outbound call) but I know the caller if (the telephone number that he called us or we called him), how I can find the file from the desktop (I know that I can find it from the linux CLI).
2) If I need to search on a file based on the telephone extension (and not based on the agent) that handled the call, how?

If this is not possible in vicidial and it is only possible to search under a specific agent or/and based on the callerid, is there a tool to do this?

I tried from User Stats, but it is requesting to put the from and to date, and the agent field .. it does not find for all the agents, so I can not search based on the caller id unless I know the agent. Also, I can not do a search based on the telephone extension, it is only allowed based on the agent and then based on the caller id.

Also, is it possible to store the recorded call under a file name that has the telephone extension and the caller id of the customer?

Appreciate the kindly help.

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