


Bug loading leads with "load from lead file" selected

Added by Tony Baronza almost 11 years ago


When loading leads and selecting "load from lead file", process doesn't give the option to select which column has the phone_code to use. When the data is saved on the DB, phone_code has "in_file", which then is added when trying to dial out.

I fixed it by modifying application/controllers/, but would be great if this gets fix to work properly.

In the mean time, wanted to share the hack fix in case it's useful for anyone else.

After line 359:

$phone_code_override = $this->input->post('phone_code_override');

I added (on our csv file, phone_code will always be the third column, you will have to modify this accordingly.):

$phone_code_field = 2;

Then near line 510 I changed:

if (strlen($phone_code_override)>0) {
     $phone_code = $phone_code_override;
}                                                                                                         }^


if ($phone_code_override != 'in_file' && strlen($phone_code_override)>0) {
     $phone_code = $phone_code_override;
}                                                                                                         }^

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