


asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui

Added by Mario Labate over 12 years ago


I'm using goautodial running on a virtual machine.
Changing something from goautodial configuration web gui (e.g. add a new phone, a new carrier, etc.), new values are inserted in DB but not in asterisk configuration files (e.g. extensions.conf, sip.conf, etc.).
Can any help please.

GoAutoDial CE 2.1
VirtualBox 4.1.8

Replies (7)

RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by Bebiano Quines over 12 years ago

try change your directory permission to www group access.

RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by Mario Labate about 12 years ago

Hi, what directory do you mean? How to change permission? Thx

RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by Bryan Rodriguez about 12 years ago

GoAutoDial can be installed on virtual machines. However, it's only recommended for testing purposes and not for production.

Vicidial is the predictive dialer software running on top of Asterisk. It utilizes Asterisk's meetme rooms. Meetme rooms requires a hardware/software based timer device not present in virtualized environments. On production system with more than 5 users, unpredictable results happens.

RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by mohammad fahad almost 11 years ago

I Am Getting Red Mark On Asterisk When I Login The Admin what should i have to do and its not working properly asterisk marked red X

RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by Regie Irupang almost 11 years ago


Kindly check the asterisk in console if it is up and running

you can start the asterisk by following bye running this command



RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by Thiago Anselmo almost 11 years ago

I'm having the same problem, I use the GoautiDial 3.0 and it creates the User in DB does not create more in the archives, sip.conf.

The premições are OK. Paraga sure did chmod-R 777 / etc / asterisk

Any solution?

RE: asterisk configuration files updates doesn't work from web gui - Added by Demian Biscocho almost 11 years ago

Did you change your IP address? Try running "update_server_ip" on your GOautodial server then reboot.

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