GO_title = "GOWebRTC Dialer Settings" GO_subtitle = "A module for GOautodial WebRTC Agent Dialer integration." GO_agent_url = "GOagent URL" GO_agent_url_info = "Set this to the URL where GOagent Dialer has been installed. If left blank, it will use the same HTTP Host URL used by the CRM." GO_agent_db = "GOagent DB IP/Host" GO_agent_user = "GOagent DB User" GO_agent_pass = "GOagent DB Pass" GO_agent_db_info = "Set this to the GOagent Database Server IP, User and Password that your dialer will use. If left blank, it will use the same Database credentials as the one used by the CRM." GO_agent_use_wss = "Enable WebRTC" GO_agent_use_wss_info = "To enable WebRTC on your dialer, click the checkbox below." GO_show_phones = "Show Phones" GO_show_phones_info = "To enable Phones Page, click the checkbox below" GO_agent_wss = "WebRTC Websocket Host/IP" GO_agent_wss_info = "Set this to where the WebRTC Websocket is installed. (if left blank, default is webrtc.goautodial.com)" GO_agent_wss_port = "WebRTC Port" GO_agent_wss_port_info = "Set this to the port where WebRTC Websocket is using. (if left blank, default is 10443)" GO_agent_wss_sip = "WebRTC SIP Host/IP" GO_agent_wss_sip_info = "Set this to the host/ip you will be using to connect to a phone extension. (if left blank, default is the server ip of the phone extension used by the agent)" GO_agent_wss_sip_port = "WebRTC SIP Port" GO_agent_wss_sip_port_info = "Set this to the SIP port used by the phone extension to register. (if left blank, default is 5060)" GO_agent_sip_server = "GOagent SIP server" GO_agent_sip_server_info = "Select asterisk if you're not using kamailio." GO_agent_web_title = "GOautodial Web Client" GO_agent_domain = "Kamailio Domain" GO_agent_domain_info = "If using kamailio as the SIP Server, set this to the domain you will be using on your kamailio configuration. (if left blank, default is goautodial.com)" customer_name = "Customer Name" contact_information = "Contact Information" comments = "Comments" activity = "Activity" script = "Script" webform = "Web Form" webform_two = "Web Form Two" url_tab_one = "URL Tab 1" url_tab_two = "URL Tab 2" refresh = "REFRESH" pause = "Pause" pause_agent = "Pause Agent" open_tab = "Open Tab" close_tab = "Close Tab" dial_next_call = "Dial Next Call" hangup_call = "Hangup Call" resume_dialing = "Resume Dialing" pause_dialing = "Pause Dialing" park_call = "Park Call" grab_park_call = "Grab Park Call" transfer_call = "Transfer Call" ivr_park_call = "IVR Park Call" grab_ivr_park_call = "Grab IVR Park Call" requeue_call = "Re-Queue Call" login_on_phone = "Login to Dialer" log_me_out = "Log me out" live_call = "LIVE CALL" no_live_call = "NO LIVE CALL" dead_call = "DEAD CALL" call_hangup = "CALL HANGUP" uid = "UID" phone_number = "Phone Number" alt_phone_number = "Alternative Phone Number" lead_id = "Lead ID" list_id = "List ID" group = "Group" calling = "Calling" waiting_for_ring = "Waiting for ring" second = "second(s)" seconds = "seconds" call_rejected = "Call Rejected" called = "Called" dial_timeout = "Dial Timeout" live_calls_in_your_session = "LIVE CALLS IN YOUR SESSION" remote_channel = "REMOTE CHANNEL" hangup = "HANGUP" recording = "recording" customer_information = "Customer Information" select_a_campaign = "SELECT A CAMPAIGN" available_campaigns = "Available Campaigns" select_all = "SELECT ALL" remove_all = "REMOVE ALL" submit = "SUBMIT" inbound_groups = "INBOUND GROUPS" groups_not_selected = "NOT SELECTED" selected_groups = "SELECTED" blended_calling = "BLENDED CALLING" outbound_activated = "outbound activated" note = "NOTE" error = "ERROR" contact_admin = "Please contact your Administrator." currently_in_call = "You are currently in a call. Please stay on page within the duration of the call." unable_to_connect_to_database = "Unable to connect to the database 'asterisk' on the specified host. Access denied, incorrect parameters or table does not exist." select_by_dragging = "Select an Inbound Group by dragging it to the other box or by clicking SELECT ALL below." disposition_call = "Disposition Call" undefined = "Undefined" male = "Male" female = "Female" manual_dial = "Manual Dial" available_hot_keys = "Available Hot Keys" callbacks = "Callbacks" active_callbacks = "Active Callbacks" callbacks_for_today = "Callbacks For Today" see_all_callbacks = "See all Callbacks" enter_pause_code = "Enter Pause Code" lead_search = "Lead Search" logout_from_phone = "Logout From Phone" session_paused = "Your session has been paused" placing_call_to = "Placing Call To" incoming_call = "Incoming Call" incoming = "Incoming" no_leads_on_hopper = "No leads on hopper" phone_number_on_dnc = "Phone number on DNC" phone_number_not_on_list = "Phone number not on list" phone_number_outside_time = "Phone number outside time" unspecified_error = "Unspecified Error" must_be_paused_to_dial_manually = "Must be paused to dial manually" group_alias = "Group Alias" choose_group_alias = "Choose Group Alias" choose_dial_ingroup = "Choose Dial Ingroup" no_call_dial = "No Call Dial" click_to_activate = "Click to Activate" manual_dial_lead = "Manual Dial Lead" dial_code = "Dial Code" dial_code_info = "This is usually a 1 in the USA-Canada" digits_only = "digits only" digits_only_please = "digits only please" search_existing_leads = "Search Existing Leads" search_existing_leads_info = "This option if checked will attempt to find the phone number in the system before inserting it as a new lead" dial_override = "Dial Override" dial_override_info = "If you want to dial a number and have it NOT be added as a new lead, enter in the exact dialstring that you want to call in the Dial Override field below. To hangup this call you will have to open the CALLS IN THIS SESSION link at the bottom of the screen and hang it up by clicking on its channel link there." dial_now = "Dial Now" preview_call = "Preview Call" go_back = "Go Back" system_delay_try_again = "System Delay, Please try again" code = "Code" must_enter_number_to_fdial = "YOU MUST ENTER A PHONE NUMBER AND DIAL CODE TO USE FAST DIAL" dial_lead = "DIAL LEAD" skip_lead = "SKIP LEAD" must_select_disposition = "Must select a disposition" dispo_leadid_not_valid = "Dispo Choice or Lead ID is NOT valid" manual_dial_queue_calls_waiting = "Manual Dial Queue Calls Waiting" end_of_call_disposition_selection = "End-of-call Disposition Selection" call_dispositions = "CALL DISPOSITIONS" dispo_status_list_hidden = "Disposition Status List Hidden" call_notes = "Call Notes" logging_out_phones = "Logging you out from the dialer" logging_in_phones = "Logging in to your phone. Please wait" sip_server = "SIP server" server = "Server" enter_phone_number = "Enter a Phone Number" dial = "Dial" preview = "Preview" time_on_park = "Time on Park" customer_hangup_3way = "Customer Hangup 3-way" update_fields_error = "Update Fields Error" sure_to_logout = "Are you sure you want to log out?" for_dtmf = "For DTMF, click the dialpad above" ok = "OK" okay = "Okay" undo = "Undo" clear = "Clear" other_agent_status = "Other Agent Status" ready = "READY" incall = "INCALL" paused = "PAUSED" loading_agents = "Loading Agents" must_select_agent_to_transfer = "Must select an agent to transfer." transfer_num_at_least_1_digit = "Transfer number should be at least 1 digit." available_hotkeys = "AVAILABLE HOT KEYS" no_available_hotkeys = "No available hotkeys for this campaign" hotkeys_note = "Pressing the hot keys above will hangup automatically, if you're currently in a call." contact_information = "Contact Information" profile = "Profile" edit_profile = "Edit Profile" transfer_conference_functions = "Transfer Conference Functions" events_callbacks = "Events and Callbacks" callback_datepicker = "Callback Date Selection" first_name = "First Name" middle_initial = "Middle Initial" last_name = "Last Name" logged_out = "Logged Out" callbacks_today = "Callbacks Today" callbacks_for_today = "Callbacks for today" see_all_callbacks = "See all callbacks" list_of_callbacks = "List of Callbacks" must_be_paused_to_check_callbacks = "Must be paused to check callbacks" loading_leads = "Loading leads" phone_already_logged_in = "You are currently logged in on the dialer" custom_forms = "Custom Forms" custom_fields = "Custom Fields" dial_alt_phone_number = "Dial ALT Phone Number" main_phone = "MAIN PHONE" alt_phone = "ALT PHONE" pause_code = "Pause Code" select_pause_code = "Select Pause Code" pause_code_selection = "Pause Code Selection" must_be_pause_to_enter_code = "Must be paused to enter code" called_3rd_party = "Called 3rd Party" no_perm_to_transfer_calls = "No permission to transfer calls" select_group_to_send_calls = "SELECT GROUPS TO SEND CALLS" please_enter_a_valid_dtmf_number = "Please enter a valid DTMF number. (eg. between 0 - 9, # and *)" broser_not_support_iframes = "Sorry your browser does not support inline frames." view_contact_info = "View Contact Information" call_contact_number = "Call Contact Number" convert_to_customer = "Convert to Customer" saving_customer_info = "Saving Customer Info" double_check_data = "Please double check the data before submitting." please_check_campaign_settings = "Please check the lead search option on campaign settings" you_have_turn_off_mic = "You have turned off your microphone." you_have_turn_on_mic = "You have turned on your microphone." phone_is_now_registered = "Your phone extension is now registered." registration_failed_refresh = "Registration failed. Kindly refresh your browser." transfer_selection = "Transfer Selection" closer_groups = "Closer Groups" local_closer = "Local Closer" channel = "Channel" consultative = "Consultative" number_to_dial = "Number to Dial" send = "Send" send_dtmf = "Send DTMF" hangup_xfer_line = "Hangup XFER Line" hangup_both_line = "Hangup Both Line" leave_3way_call = "Leave 3-way Call" blind_transfer = "Blind Transfer" dial_with_customer = "Dial with Customer" park_customer_dial = "Park Customer Dial" blind_transfer_vmail = "Blind Transfer VMail" selected_date_time = "Selected Date and Time" my_callback_only = "My Callback Only" enter_first_name = "Enter First Name" enter_middle_initial = "Enter Middle Initial" enter_last_name = "Enter Last Name" reload_script = "Reload Script" customer_name = "Customer Name" last_call_time = "Last Call Time" callback_time = "Callback Time" lead_preview = "Lead Preview" alt_phone_dial = "ALT Phone Dial" enable_hotkeys = "Enable Hot Keys" microphone = "Microphone" cannot_skip_call = "Cannot skip call. Manual dial in progress." lead_not_reverted = "Lead NOT Reverted" lead_skipped = "Lead Skipped" previous_callback = "Previous Callback" last_call = "Last Call" callback = "CallBack" agent = "Agent" minimize = "minimize" maximize = "maximize" select_country_code = "Select Country Code" phone_not_configured = "Phone Login NOT Configured" missed_callbacks = "Missed Callbacks"